You get what you pay for.
A recent post on X summarized the ongoing prevalence of racism in society:
If your job is to 'find racism', you'll eventually become a race alchemist who creates racism out of thin air.
Likewise, "if your job is to "find Mesoamerica in the Book of Mormon, you'll eventually become an M2C alchemist who creates the Mesoamerican setting out of thin air."
Because Scripture Central has become the predominant, if not the exclusive, source of funding for LDS students and graduates who want to pursue Book of Mormon studies and apologetics, and because Scripture Central requires employees, volunteers, and recipients of funding to promote M2C and SITH, we have a generation of M2C and SITH alchemists who create "evidence" for M2C and SITH.
SITH videos.
The M2C and SITH alchemists are omnipresent on social media. They seem to get zero pushback from the hosts, which is amazing. Instead, the hosts defer to and promote the M2C and SITH narratives.
Lots of people have asked me to respond to these, to at least provide an alternative narrative that corroborates and supports the teachings of the prophets about the origin and setting of the Book of Mormon.
For fun, as an experiment, I posted a draft video recently to elicit feedback. The feedback has been helpful, but because I'm traveling I can't make changes for a while, nor can I post additional episodes. But rather than wait until I've done all of that, I thought readers here might be interested to see what is coming.
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The Scripture Central problem
Obviously, I'd prefer to have an open dialog with the M2C and SITH proponents. All of these podcasters and content producers owe it to their viewers and followers to facilitate such dialog and conversation, but with few exceptions, they refuse.
From my perspective, the main obstacle to open dialog is Scripture Central.
Scripture Central directly funds some podcasters and creates its own content. They host seminars and meetings with podcasters and influencers.
But Scripture Central management is adamantly opposed to open dialog and diversity of opinions.
In the pursuit of clarity, charity, and understanding, we cannot avoid discussing an obvious point about the current state of Book of Mormon studies.
Scripture Central continues to spend millions of dollars annually, partly to promote awareness of the Book of Mormon and other scriptures (which is productive), but also partly to promote the personal opinions of the organization's founders and management; i.e., M2C (the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory) and SITH (the stone-in-the-hat theory).
Both M2C and SITH explicit reject what Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery taught about the origin and setting of the Book of Mormon.
There are few Latter-day Saints who, when they learn what the prophets have taught about the origin and setting of the Book of Mormon, immediately conclude that the prophets were wrong.
It takes a lot of effort to persuade Latter-day Saints that the prophets were wrong. It requires persuading Latter-day Saints that modern scholars know more about the origin and setting of the Book of Mormon than Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery did.
It would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic.
Here's the post that prompted this post: